How to Convert Phone Lines to Ethernet

It is not uncommon to be able to convert phone lines to Ethernet, but before you get started you need to make sure that the phone lines were originally put in using the right kind of cable and topology (or network design) to be able to be used for Ethernet. Once you are sure the original network was set up in a way suitable for conversion it is simply a process of re terminating all of the cables with the proper connectors and verifying that everything is set up correctly.

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Can You Run Ethernet Cables Through Vents in Your House?

Ductwork can be a viable pathway to get your network cabling from one part of the house to another but there are a few important things that you should consider before trying it in your own home. First filling your air vents with cabling can make them harder to clean and cut down on their efficiency. Second, a special type of Ethernet cable, called plenum, should be used for this application and it can be more expensive than normal cabling. And finally, a cable popping out of a floor register is not the most professional look. In many cases you can fix this and make everything look nice and professional, but this will take extra work and could turn what was originally thought of as a great cabling shortcut into just as much work as running the cable through an attic or crawl space.

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How to Find the Other End of an Ethernet Cable

Depending on the network there are several ways to find the other end of an Ethernet cable. If you are lucky they will be labeled with some information that can give you a clue as to where to start looking. If you are not so lucky there are still a hand full of tools and techniques that you can use to track down the other end of a cable including your network router, multi-meters, and specialized tools called toners.

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